MB1-S Straight Mayim Flood Barrier
MB1-S Straight Mayim Flood Barrier
The Mayim (MB1-S) Flood Control Wall is an easy to deploy, 20” tall, flood control system that installs quickly and stores compactly. Sections are simply laid next to each other, and connected using our unique insert and lock connection system, creating a seal between flood control panels.
When connected, each 27.6” wide panel overlaps roughly 2-4”. This means that you get about 24” of running length for each section of Mayim barrier.
Add inward and outward curved sections and end gables, as needed, to meet your desired configuration.
Curve Capability Using MB1/2 IC or MB1/2 OC:
Each section creates a 30 degree inward turn. 3 sections connected create a 90 degree turn.
Dimensions & Weight:
20”H x 26.8”D x 27.6”W - 8.38 Lbs.
Approximately 24” of Useable Length