MB1-IC Inward Curve Mayim Flood Control Barrier

MB1-IC Inward Curve Mayim Flood Control Barrier

The Mayim (MB1-IC) Inward Curve section is designed to work with other components of the Mayim Flood Control System. Each MB1-IC creates a 30 degree turn, enabling you to curve around obstacles and to create U and S-shaped flood control walls.

Curve Capability Using MB1/2 IC or MB1/2 OC:
Each section creates a 30 degree inward turn. 3 sections connected create a 90 degree turn. MB1-IC Inward Curve sections interface and interconnect with Mayim’s MB1-S, MB1-OC, and MB1-GEL/GER sections.

Sections are simply laid next to each other, and connected using our unique insert and lock connection system, creating a seal between panels.

Size and weight of Individual MB1-IC section:
22.8” W x 26.8” D x 20” H x 8.7”W - 6.2 lbs.

Curve radius: 30%



MB1-S Straight Mayim Flood Barrier


MB1-OC Outward Curve Mayim Flood Barrier