Flood Control Solutions for
Real Estate & Construction
Prevent Flooding At Real Estate & Construction Sites
Natural disasters such as flooding have the potential to halt construction projects for months, even years. Protecting your work sit is just as important as the quality of your build. Furthermore, architects today are tasked with providing future flood protection for properties they are designing in and outside of flood zones.
Heavy rains, hurricanes and storm surges can bring significant flooding and cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. Stacked materials and resources can be fully wiped away if not properly protected and unfinished buildings can suffer damage from water infiltration. Having the right flood barriers on hand allows your projects to remain secure from water damage.
All of our solutions are easy to use, store compactly, deploy quickly, and are applicable to multiple levels and types of flooding. Our barriers can help you contain and re-route water away from homes, offices, buildings and construction sites, and provide protection from flood events and emergencies.
Always have a plan in place to protect against flood threats.
Most Common Causes & Areas of Flooding At Real Estate & Construction Sites:
Storm Surges & Flash Floods
Construction Site Runoff
Inadequate Drainage Systems
Water Main Breaks
Burst Water Pipes
Overflowing Creeks and Rivers
Construction sites are at high risk for flooding due to lack of installed flood protection systems.
Flooding at real estate developments results in stalled construction completion.
All 50 states are subject to flash flood events.

Garrison Can Provide Flood Barriers For:
Construction Site Flood Protection
Divert Water Away From:
Equipment & Machinery
Tented Site Structures
Construction Tooling
Power Station Flood Protection
Divert Water Away From:
Electrical & Power Stations
Generators & Substations
Power Lines & Plumbing
Development Flood Protection
Divert Water Away From:
Site Development
Architect Offices
Underground Runoff
Site Perimeter Flood Protection
Divert Water Away From:
Perimeter Protection
Real Estate Developments
Industrial & Utility Protection
Garrison, Your Partner in Flood Resiliency
View Our Case Studies on How to Protect and Prevent Flooding for Real Estate and Construction

Predict ▸ Plan ▸ Prepare, with Garrison Flood Control

Contact Us
Feel free to contact us with any questions or for advice on the best flood control solution for your specific needs.