Flood Control Solutions for
Parks & Recreational Spaces
Prevent Flooding At Parks & Recreational Spaces
Each year, flooding causes billions of dollars in damage in communities all throughout the United States. Public parks and town recreational spaces face significant renovation costs as a result of flood damage that can cost significant amounts of money in public and private funding. Without proper drainage and an emergency plan, park flooding stands to have longterm negative after effects.
Programs, services and events being offered through public recreation spaces face the potential obligation of closure due to significant flood damage. In addition to closures, the rising costs of renovations and repairs have the potential to lead to municipal cuts in order to save money.
Garrison Flood Control helps your local parks and public spaces stay prepared and protected from the dangers of flooding. Garrison’s flood solutions are easy to use, applicable to multiple levels of flooding and extremely efficient. Always have a plan in place to protect against flood threats.
Most Common Causes & Areas of Flooding At Parks & Recreational Centers
Severe Storms & Heavy Rainfall
Canal, Lake or Pond Runoff
Lack of Sufficient Drainage System
Parking Lot Flooding
Flooded Grassland & Pathways
Sloped Parkland Hills
There have been hundreds of flood events at parks throughout the United States.
Flooded parkland and recreation sites often result in park closures by causing extensive financial damages.
All 50 states are subject to flash flood and severe flooding at parklands.

Garrison Can Provide Flood Barriers For:
Divert Water Away From:
Tents, Canopies & Pavilions
Vehicles & Parking Lots
Pathways & Roadways
Divert Water Away From:
Administrative Offices
Doorways & Entryways
Stairwells & Basements
Divert Water Away From:
Grasslands & Park Lawns
Recreational Parks
Park Sport Fields
Divert Water Away From:
Outdoor Recreational Spaces
Park-Hosted Events
Recreation Spaces
Garrison, Your Partner in Flood Resiliency

Featured Project
Steamboat Springs
On the Steamboat Springs Resort property, some of the employee housing is located in a low lying area adjacent to the Yampa River. The resort faced a potential flooding challenge after having an above average year of snowfall. The mixture of potential snow melt and proximity to the river was feared to combine to create a flood threat that could detrimentally affect the block of employee housing. Our solution for the Steamboat Springs employee housing property was Garrison’s Serpent® Inflatable Flood Barrier System.

Predict ▸ Plan ▸ Prepare, with Garrison Flood Control

Contact Us
Feel free to contact us with any questions or for advice on the best flood control solution for your specific needs.