Water Dams That Protect You From Flooding
The methods of flood protection are evolving with the times, water dams are becoming a much more popular flood preventative solution.
Now more than ever there is a need for effective water dams to help protect against flooding. As climate change continues to evolve, flooding remains the most common natural disaster in the world. Most of the world continues to treat flooding reactively versus proactively which in the end can result in significant amounts of damage and costly repairs.
In the past, the most tried and true method of protection was traditional sandbags. Filling hundreds, sometimes thousands of sandbags and stacking them in vulnerable areas always seemed to be the most effective way to combat an incoming flood threat. However, now that the methods of protection are evolving with the times, water dams are becoming a much more popular solution.
It is important to note that not all water dams are equal in their effectiveness. While many can boast that they stand up against a variety of flood waters, there are a few important factors to take into account when choosing the right one.
Water Dams: Adequate Protection Height
When looking for potential water dams for flooding, the protection height is one of the most important factors to consider. Being able to deploy a solution that can stand up against multiple levels of flooding helps to build out a more extensive emergency preparedness plan.
For instance, regular sandbags struggle with protection heights. This is not to say that desired heights cannot be achieved. However, the resources and manual labor involved to source, fill, and stack the amount of sandbags to reach even an average height is significant. Today’s flood threats are all about being able to source sustainable protective solutions.
Effective water dams have the ability to provide protection heights up to multiple feet high. When understanding your flood protection needs, make sure that you are finding solutions that can adequately handle the heights of potential flood water.
Water Dams: Easy To Deploy
Since most solutions in the past were inefficient to store, the solutions would always be acquired right up against an incoming flood threat. By doing so, the rollout of these protective solutions can be not only rushed but sometimes incomplete depending on how quick the flooding occurred. This relates back to how traditional sandbags take up too much space for many as well as require too many hours of manual labor to adequately deploy.
Today, the water dams that are worth using are designed to be deployed in a significantly quicker manner. Many offerings come as modular systems that easily connect together and stack efficiently when stored. This allows for a much easier deployment strategy. When it comes to flooding, saving even just a few more minutes when deploying can mean a lot when counting up potential damage and repair costs.
Water Dams: What Are Your Choices?
Garrison Flood Control’s mission is to provide the most effective flood protection solutions to homeowners, businesses and municipal organizations all over the United States. Our product offerings are designed with efficiency and protection in mind.
Building an emergency response plan deserves solutions that will ensure it protects your property as efficiently as possible. Check out the water dams that we offer as solutions and start building your flood protection plan today.
The Mayim™ Flood Control Barrier is an easy to deploy flood control system. If you are looking for a durable, efficient and lengthy system of protection for your building or facility, the Mayim™ Flood Barrier is the solution.
Protect against heavy rains, severe storms, swelling rivers and flash floods by deploying your Mayim water diversion and flood control barriers.
With our simple insert and lock connection system, Mayim flood barrier panels connect seamlessly to create a complete flood protection system. Gain the ability to quickly deploy a durable flood wall that is built specifically for active flood threats. Achieve protection heights of 20 and 30 inches to handle a variety of flood levels.
The Mayim is perfect for flood and emergency response, property management, home and office perimeters, loading dock and warehouse entryways and much more. Having a strong, significant solution that is easily deployable can save tens of thousands of dollars in flood damage repairs. The Mayim provides that solution!

The Guppy™ Water Filled Flood Tube provides an easy and effective water barrier that will help protect against dangerous flooding. Use these water filled dams to redirect water and to prevent flood damage at homes, offices, tents, factories and municipal buildings.
Each water filled flood control tube becomes heavy with water when filled, creating a durable berm that protects against rising floodwaters. This solution provides you with a simple and reusable setup so that you are always ready for whenever you face a flood threat.
Guppy™ is perfect for protecting driveways and entryways. Also achieve significant redirection of harmful spills and leaks. They are available in 6”, 12” and 24” diameters as well as 10ft, 25ft, 50ft and 100ft lengths. Once finished, Guppy™ easily drains, rolls up and stores to be reused over and over again, whenever a flood threat arises.

Hammerhead™ Aluminum Panel Flood Barrier System
The Hammerhead™ Flood Panel Plank System is a durable stop log flood barrier that enables you to protect doorways and other entryways against incoming flood threats. This system is stackable and able to withstand water up to 6 feet high.
Vulnerable entryways are one of the most popular areas damaged by a variety of flood threats. Hammerhead™ acts as a flood gate system that can stand up against multiple levels of flood water. Hammerhead™ is also ideal for areas where high wind or debris is expected as the durable design is able to handle heavy stresses.
Whether you are protecting doorways, loading docks, basement stairwells, garages or ramps this system provides a sense of flexibility in where you deploy it. Once you install Hammerhead™ in a vulnerable area, you now have a robust flood protection system that can be used well into the future.

Contact Garrison Flood Control
Garrison is here to help you find the best water dams that fit your protection needs. Feel free to contact us and we can start creating a dedicated flood plan for your property.
Garrison™ Flood Control is a New York-based manufacturer and distributor of a complete line of flood control products. Garrison products contain, divert, and re-route water away from valuable property, equipment, infrastructure, and facilities and help prevent flood damage due to rising water levels.
If you would like additional information about Garrison Flood Control Systems, please call 929-299-2099 or email sales@garrisonflood.com.