Case Study: Saucon Valley Country & Golf Club — Bethlehem, PA
Saucon Valley Country/Golf Club - Bethlehem, PA
When 2” of rainfall or more are expected in the weather forecast, the creek running through the property rises dramatically and begins to flood the surrounding greens and fairways. This causes a significant downtime and closure of affected holes/areas.
Provide a sustainable and effective method of flood protection for whenever heavy rains cause the creek level to rise and affect surrounding course areas.
600ft of Mayim™️ MB2 Barriers positioned along the creek whenever heavy rainfall is expected.
Rainfall causing flood damage to surrounding greens and fairways.
Saucon Valley Country Club has various golf courses on its property. Just like any golf course, it is paramount that the grounds are well maintained. However, when 2” of rainfall or more are expected in the weather forecast, the creek running through the property rises dramatically and begins to flood the surrounding greens and fairways. Occurring frequently, these flood events have caused Saucon Valley to shut down the surrounding golf hole for necessary repairs, limiting their use to customers during peak season.
The time, resources and money dedicated to re-sodding and repairing the damaged areas has become unsustainable. In 2022, Saucon Valley will host the US Senior Open. Therefore, in order to avoid the loss of production it was imperative that we find a solution to keep them protected.
Garrison™️ Flood Control has a variety of flood protection solutions that fit a variety of needs. Saucon Valley evaluated multiple flood protection systems and decided to purchase 300ft of Mayim MB2 Barriers. The 300ft of protection is positioned along the bank of the creek whenever heavy rainfall is expected. These flood barriers are able to stop water in its tracks and redirect it away from the sensitive greens and other areas of the golf course. Newly installed sod and grounds work are then protected from being washed out, flooded and damaged.
The Mayim Flood Barriers performed perfectly on several occasions of heavy rain. The rising water was efficiently redirected resulting in no loss of freshly installed sod or washed out greens. This eliminated the common downtime Saucon Valley faced when dealing with heavy rain in the forecast. We were also able to eliminate any fairway damage as well as other areas that are adjacent to the creek running through the course.
Our goal for Saucon Valley was to provide not only an efficient method of protecting their golf course from heavy rain and flood events but also to provide a sustainable protocol of protection as well. The great success of the Mayim Flood Barriers has provided Saucon Valley with a trusted method of protection that provides insurance and the peace of mind knowing that they will avoid any loss of play due to potential flooding events.
The amount of time, money, resources and staff labor that is saved due to the efficiency of the Mayim allows Saucon Valley to have a more streamlined process that can be implemented just in time for a significant tournament such as the US Senior Open.
The Mayim™️ Flood Barriers performed perfectly on several occasions of heavy rain. The rising water was efficiently redirected resulting in no loss of freshly installed sod or washed-out greens. This eliminated the common downtime Saucon Valley faced when dealing with heavy rain in the forecast. We were also able to eliminate any fairway damage as well as other areas that are adjacent to the creek running through the course.
Heavy rain events can arise quickly and will often come as a surprise. Therefore, having quick deployment solutions is imperative for any business.
On average 30% of businesses endure significant downtime due to flood related events and damage.
Mayim Flood Barriers easily connect and take a fraction of the time to deploy compared to other methods, giving Saucon Valley Country Club an efficient way to protect its multiple courses.
Mayim Flood Barriers are able to efficiently block and redirect the water from the rising creek, ensuring that course holes and greens remain unaffected and ready for play.
Saucon Valley now has a sustainable and easy to deploy method of flood protection that will last them far into the future.
More time can now be spent on preparing for significant tournaments such as the US Senior Open and less time on costly repairs.
Based on the success of Mayim Flood Barriers, Saucon Valley has now ordered an additional 300ft of Mayim for additional protection of their property.
For more information on the Mayim™️ Flood Control Barriers, feel free to contact us directly!
Watch the video below to learn more about how The Mayim™️ Flood Barrier system works.
View The Case Study Video